The qualification, expertise and experience which essentially required for getting a job may get thinner with the passing of time, which recently was proved by the Bihar Govt. In the current news item, Bihar Govt. has conducted an examination for teachers to decide their promotions and increment cases and all the teachers appeared for the test. Surprisingly, 24% of them could not qualify the test and even could not mark their roll numbers properly on the answer sheets. Few teachers absented themselves to avoid the test and few were involved in unfair activities. Only 59% of more than one lac teachers could qualify the test to get the annual increment. It was really a shameful situation that the teachers are not updated with the latest developments in their sector, and question arises how they could prepare the future young generation. Though State Govt. has decided to give them one more chance to appear for the exam to decide their promotion and annual increment cases but the opposition political party as well as these teachers has opposed the concept of conducting the test to test their knowledge. It was indeed a great revolutionary step of the State Govt. which also gives birth to an idea that why each department in the Govt. sector should not conduct such activities to test the knowledge, integrity and experience of their employees which will also encourage the employees to keep themselves updated with the changing times. Congratulations. Keep it up….